Tag Archives: amplifier

Breaking and Remaking.

I was in a creative mood the other day and I have been doing a ton of writing recently so felt the need to use my hands in an altogether different way. I have always been a fan of tinkering and as a hoarder of things I never seem to run out of breakable objects.

I started off looking at the two broken printers I have, along with the two 4 broken hoovers. Hoover-Printer hybrid? Maybe…

I saw one of my old guitars and my 10 watt amp. Thus was my ‘guitar-amplifer’ born. All in all it took me just under two hours to get this finished and I’m pretty pleased with it. I got an audio jack so it can play anything with an earphone slot. Works as a lovely little speaker. It’s on a guitar stand now hooked up to my iPod. Poor HMV. They didn’t stand a chance.

guitar amp 1

So First I took apart both items, I had to chip away the interior of the guitar, it has slots of wood for support, you can see them in a pile to the right of the guitar.

I covered the hole with the wire mesh that covers the speaker on the amp and began to secure the speaker.

guitar amp 2

After that I cut out a rectangle in the front and slotted in the body of the amp, screwed it to the back plate of the guitar and re-secured the back with some wood glue.

I think it’s a pretty cool looking piece of equipment, though it is a little strange when I plug my electric into it. The whole thing just looks a little bizarre, as a music player though, it’s a real conversation starter.